Showing all 3 results

  • Company Security Officer (CSO)

    Under the International Ship and Port Facility Security Code (ISPS), every shipping company is required to appoint a company security officer, who would take care of the ship’s safety and security. The company security officer designated by a company would be responsible for one or more than one ships, depending on the number and types…

  • MLC Vessel Preparation & Audit

    Effective implementation and verification of a (safety) management system requires periodical Lead audits. The approach to and scope of an audit differs widely from an inspection. The requirements for auditing the management system within companies and on board ships have highlighted the subject of competence of Lead auditors. Our course provides you with the knowledge…

  • Port Facility Security Officer (PFSO)

    Port Facility Security Officer (PFSO) Person designated as responsible for the development, implementation, revision, and maintenance of the port facility security plan and for liason with the port authorities and Ship Security Officers and Company Security Officer. The program offers the IMO Model Course 3.21 which is an enhanced version of the prescribed model Course 3.21 from the International Maritime Organization. The Course…